TTSP- Etairas
The word ETAIRAS defines a group of independent women that in the ancient Greece exercises the occupation of courtesans.
This piece/workshop talks about the woman, about women. It talks about the topics of women as they are named by society and as women themselves define them. Four roles of women are used to talk about all women: the mother, the lover, the witch and the prostitute.
The prostitute is the hardest but also the most fragile; the mother is the strength, the protection, the base of all the rest; the lover is the one who gives love, the most generous, the one who is capable of giving gifts; and, the witch is the most intelligent, the one that sees the big picture.
ETAIRAS reveals the inside of women, their sensibility and their appearance and thus their way of thinking. It revels the strength and the extreme sensuality that they have in their bodies, and the intelligence that we can discern in their way of acting, of moving, of living.
ETAIRAS enlighten the faculties and the flaws of women, showing the beauty of the human being, its deepness and harmony of the senses, evoking in fine detail the society, the prejudices and the societal opinions to which we are submitted.
Etairas (TTSP) was made in February 2016 in Estruch (Spain) with:
Carmen Laura Sánchez, Solange Marchant, Martina Burlet, Anna Magrans, Mª Pilar Gutierrez, Paula Luis González, Zoe Galinsoga, Louise Soulier, Mireia Agredano, Marina Duran, Eloiza Montaña, Sophie Thirion, Elisenda Pérez, Malina Zmiycharova, Roser Vallve, Sandra Ballbé, Núria Gelanbert, Elena Dueso.
Direction_ Meritxell Checa
Director's Assistant_ Claudia Solano
Camera_ Despina Oikonomopoulou
Lenght_ 0:45:00
With the collaboration of_ Estruch Fàbrica de Creació
Thanks to: Aline Jaulin, Juliette Medevielle